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A. 米国の病院薬剤師臨床業務
Ø Bond CA, Raehl CL.2006 National clinical pharmacy services survey: clinical pharmacy services, collaborative drug management, medication errors, and pharmacy technology. Pharmacotherapy. 2008:28(1):1-13.
Ø Perez AP, Doloresco F, et al. Economic Evaluations of Clinical Pharmacy Services: 2001-2005. Pharmacotherapy. 2008:28(11):285e-323e.
Ø Bond, C.A and Raehl CL. Clinical Pharmacy Services, Pharmacy Staffing, and Hospital Mortality Rates. Pharmacotherapy. 2007:27(4):481-493.
B. 米国におけるCDTMの実際
Ø Carmicharl JM, O’Connell B, et al. Collaborative drug therapy management by pharmacists. Pharmacotherapy. 1997:17(5): 1050-1061.
Ø Hammond RW, et al. ACCP position statement:Collaborative drug therapy management by pharmacists-2003. Pharmacotherapy. 2003:23(9): 1210-1225.
Ø McKnight AG, Thomason AR. Pharmacists’s advancing roles in drug and disease management: a review of states’ legislation. J Am Pharm Assoc. 2009: 49: 554-558.
C. このほか参考になる資料
Ø Tracy SA, Clegg CA. Collaborative drug therapy management handbook. Bethesda , MD.
Ø Cooper T, Taber D, et al. Implementation of a collaborative drug therapy management service for inpatients receiving direct thrombin inhibitors. Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 2009: 66: 1297-303.(実際に使用されているプロトコールが公開されている)
Ø Damaske DL, Baird RW. Development and implementation of a pharmacist-managed inpatient warfarin protocol. BUMC Proceedings 2005; 18: 397-400. (サンプルサイズは小さいが,パイロットスタディの例)
Ø Robert Cipolle, Pharmaceutical Care Practice: The Clinician's Guide, 2nd edition,New York, McGraw-Hill, 2004
Ø The UKMi Training Workbook 6th edition (2009)
A. 参考文献
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Ø Kane SL, Weber RJ and Dasta JF. The Impact of Critical Care Pharmacists on Enhancing Patient Outcomes. Intensive Care Med. 2003;29:691-698.
B. このほか日本のICUにおいて参考になる資料
Ø Marino PL. ICU Book, 3rd edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publishers. 2006.